Countdown to Food MicroLatino 2025


Org committee

Luís Augusto Nero, BRAFP (president), SBM (vice-president), Federal University of Viçosa

Andreja Rajkovic, ICFMH (president), Ghent University

Luis H. Souza Guimarães, SBM (president), University of São Paulo

Bernadette D.G.M. Franco, ICFMH (diretor), BRAFP (treasurer), University of São Paulo

Uelinton Manoel Pinto, SBM (area coordinator), BRAFP (member), University of São Paulo

Virgínia Farias Alves, SBM (area coordinator), BRAFP (member), Federal University of Goiás

Carlos Adam Conte Jr., BRAFP and SBM (member), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Kristy Soraya Coelho, BRAFP (broadcasting)

Isabel Bossi, BRAFP (secretary)